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Meet our friendly dogs & cats.

Pet animals at your own risk.
Do not let your kids unsupervised around any animals.

Our dogs think that everyone is here to see them.

Although they LOVE being pet, one of them is very protective of our property

For this reason, we ask that ALL PET STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES.

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Lotions. Dishcloths.

Pure Tallow Soap great for a shampoo & body bar, sensitive skin & babies. 

Unscented would be a good choice for hunters.

Types: Unscented, Charcoal, Calendula  $5/ 4 oz bar

Ingredients: tallow, lye (some contain charcoal or calendula flowers)


Pure Tallow Body Balm (lotion) great for sensitive skin & babies   $20/ half cup jar

Tallow is the closest to human fat, so it absorbs easily & gives you baby soft skin.

Known for anti aging, wrinkles, baby, face cream, lotion & balm all in one!

Ingredients: tallow, olive oil (some contain essential oils: lavender or peppermint)  

Raw Honey

Raw Honey 1 lb   $12

Ingredients: honey